Thursday, October 7, 2010

Empty glass, empty talk?

In Kuching and enjoying much the distant sunset over my garden. This morning I decided to create a new blog to journalise my re-opening of interest in philosophy. The study of philosophy has been with me since my student days at the University of Pulau Pinang.
Over the many years of working and waking life I have not consistently turn back to the pages of philosophy. From now onwards I like to jot down some insights I had before and currently about philosophy in the blog posts to come. Today is the re-start of this adventure in my life.
Where do I begin?
In my mind I carry everywhere I go. That software version called knowledge that demands updating all too often. As one quote I could easily recall :-
"Knowledge is of two kinds ; you know a subject yourself or you know where to get information upon it ".
Meaning in the first instance you can claim an 'expert' of it or in the second instance you are a 'life-long learner'. Indeed with today's Internet nothing could stop your fingers dancing with the wisdom of the ages and newfound knowledge. Try looking at an empty glass.

Scarcity in economy is an important quality in Chinese brush painting. With the minimum of strokes one must hit at the essence of beauty. Have I achieved it in the above one minute attempt?

One quotation I locked inside my brain cells ever since it seeped into me ages ago was:
" A philosopher is a person who looks at an empty glass with a smile".

More about my interpretation of this later. Meanwhile, carry on smiling. Hopefully you can enjoy the beauty of philosophy as I do in yearning to learn (and as age would have it- re-learn) about philosophy.